You forget that under current law if you wish to withdraw cash from a bank, they technically do not have to provide it for six months. Don't tell me banks would never do this. You were not alive in 2008, when they did. They keep the cash when they get scared.
Item 2: Diversify. Yes, that works. Never trust financial institutions alone. This includes the FED. Think of always saleable property like a mattress with cash in it.
Item 3: Pay off debt. Nope. Try, pay off high interest debt or debt with unlimited variable rates (like credit card debt). But, get cash with low interest fixed rate or limited variable rates that cannot change and make sure you can handle the monthly interest out of the cash you get for the rest of your life. When times get bad, loans are not possible. See 2008. The banks again. Remember really rich people use other people's money with debt. The money you see them actually spend is not theirs...almost aways. Cash is king but can become worthless nearly instantly.
Trust places like Walmart which thrive on low prices.
One evacuation plan: real estate in another Geographic Location. Preferably rental with mixed use.
Be a member of a Church. Give a little to your local community. Don't trust government. As James Clerk Maxwell opined in the mid 1800s, join a church 'just not the Dynastic kind.'
Back Democracy, not Autocracy Why? From 1940.
NEVER VOTE FOR (or GIVE POWER TO) A DIVISIVE LIAR. You WILL be sorry. Even if YOU are one!
Make your own coffee or get it free. Hell, make your church your StarBucks.