Try Google. By giving it the hint "" it kinda does nice things.
Try this one for example:
fred bott energy transfer
Microsoft Edge, not so good.
Firefox is good (but it uses google)
Just hypothesizing, Opera would be good (for the same reason)
Medium search with same string is kinda interesting but I would place between google and edge ...
If somebody has time, here would be a good experiment worthy of a medium article:
1. Ask authors to submit search strings they like. (Perhaps even see if Medium would support these as defaults for searches on writers, even by alt search engines).
2. Ask what they would like as output from the search engines (with a menu of possible things).
3. Ask if medium would look into this type of strategy by proposing a set of requirements. e.g., author specificity, sorting requirements, etc. and perhaps sorting as suggested by author (with ordered keys/topics).
4. Ideally the article would rank search engines by desired types of results. Again, medium could help do this research?
Just some ideas.
And, of course, if you are not a member of you should sign up so you can try lies about things that make you mad in medium (or elsewhere) and report the trial results to the community, and medium.
Every Wednesday at Noon EST we do a public trial on a Zoom webinar. Happy to support anyone else who wants to run public trials (for free).
But you need to sign up to see how the trials are done and ask to be a juror and later plaintiff in the ones that are already public. Yes, in the results, you can point to your articles.