This is like reading the yellow press ( Who let the lawyers in?
There are so many lies in this article it is hard to count. The Internet is thriving and bit rot is the consequence of lawyers dumbing things down with willful ignorance. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of people are better off because of the Internet.
That said, the lawyers should learn some science and history. Here are some good places for them to study deeply.
Not only should they all read the book "How Wikipedia Works," they should study it and its implementation and management and not lie about it.
They should have a course in RFCs The RFCs are the laws of the Internet. They should learn a little bit of Internet law and start defending it.
They should understand the science of lying. Here is the mess the lawyers have created. And, on a positive note, how they participated constructively in righting the earlier mess created by the printing press and the lawyers of that time (in the Inquisition).
Read Descartes 1637 (or Audible or Kindle his meditations.) (see link to a good audible English version in the above link). Just a reminder: Descartes was not a lawyer.
Here is your first class in the science of lying..
P.S. You lie in the "nothing but the truth" category. Mixing truth and lies in a massive haystack of words where the truth kind of leaks out.
The fact is that some people who worked in digital libraries, like myself and many others, were proponents of tens of thousands of independent and semi-independent efforts worldwide in keeping track of human knowledge from books and on the Internet. It works.