This is an excellent review of the received view in Physics. I gave talk at for the coming 2024 Total Eclipse that basically just talked about photons and electrons as where they come from, and go to.
I am an admitted Maxwell type who (similarly) believes in that waves derive from vortices (e.g., helical vortices from the side look (exactly) like sin waves). By relativity, photons, which always travel at lightspeed, age well, unlike massy things that can only approach lightspeed, because for photons, time has stopped (dilated out in time ~= infinity). So suppose we speculatively explain instead of a new universe or singularity inside a black hole event horizon, we say that all matter (e.g., electrons) converts to pure energy (photons, Higgs, etc) similarly moving at lightspeed in a primordial vortex of pure timeless energy that cannot escape the black hole but can only evaporate out of it (to be absorbed by particles with mass outside the event horizon). The Pauli exclusion principle insures that near the 'singularity' there is no mass to absorb the photons and the exclusion principle does not apply. But it does occupy the space permitted by energy space limitations.
So this says that (spinning) black holes are just effectively perpetual energy stores for one or more new follow on universes? No "universe within a universe" needed. What this does predict, perhaps, is that our "big bang" is one that could exist in a singular space time medium of mediums that encompasses older orphan universe cousins where previous (our rest time) black holes didn't quite make the collapse and big bang for our immediate universe. Black holes are just roaming energy stores which, if big enough, will dissipate their energy out into new universes with a bang. So, with enough time (our rest time), there are many universes out there and black holes my travel from one to another.
I like the idea of a black hole as a sort of battery for new universes to be born. It's a bit of comfort for the 'to be spaghettified' knowing that my energy, at least, has a future.
In effect, while there is a singularity, the singularity is empty at a point where nothing can swirl because it is nothing but a point. But any pure energy is just spinning around the exact point (or ring line) of singularly in a vortex in a nearly eternal and stretched region of the inner vortex which is the black hole. A black hole towards its center is just pure energy store that can travel in our space-time.
Here is another de-mystification (in this case the two slit experiment) that has a good explanation if the time space medium has helical waves running through it (not particles except as a meta-phenomenon from quantum absorption and emission -- viz., measurement).