This "because" reflects Nietzsche's limited understanding of science. The father of the Age of Reason, 300 YEARS EARLIER, Descartes, was very clear, and to this day much more correct. He asserted, repeatedly, that God's perfection can never be known by the human mind because (yes "because") with every scientific discovery comes more discovery and more to see of God's perfection. We see this to this minute. Science is never through. And we now know why today that we also see other questions to ask while continuing to learn more of the truth of God's perfection through science. By Descartes: "Nature is God, and God does not lie."
Nietzsche was profoundly wrong, and somehow decided to ignore the truth of science established 300 years before him and true in all detail to this day. The truth is that science never explains everything, and, by the limitation of human thought, never will. Here is the science of why:
Here is the proper reference to Descartes.