This article should also mention natures own direct cortical communication device, completely unique to humans, called human natural language (NL). A body cam that can talk about what it is seeing through an earbud. NL Dialog with your personal body robot is essential. Here is proof of that from a type of computational cognitive neuroscience that 'smart people' are not educated to appreciate.
I have tried since 1982 to get funding for this to no avail. Unfortunately the money that was given for this concept of a robot bodycam was given to computer vision people who were clueless about natural language processing, by people who were clueless about natural language as the clearest window to the neural computation from and into any human mind.
Still, nobody cares. The solution is just too much in plain sight. I ask people to think about those times when they were living for short times exclusively among other people who could not speak with your NL. Compare that to living with people who do. NL is direct cognitive neuroscience without the need for indirect measurement.
Neuroscientists sadly believe (AND ARE TAUGHT!) that NL is flawed. When, in fact, is is highly evolved for direct brain-to-brain computation communication, and almost completely without flaws that are not also brain computation "flaws."