There is another view from Descartes who was arguably the father of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment. He proved the existence of God this way:
1. The definition of God for the Proof: God is Nature and Nature is God.
2. With science (replicable empirical observation based on observation and deduction), there is no end to the questions that can be asked and answered. Experience shows there is no end to these questions and no end to the answers.
This is how the human brain works ("I think therefore I am.").
There is therefore a perfection of God that human brains can never exhaust or fully understand. This is God. It is both the perfection we know, did know, can know, and may in the future be able to know. But he is also perfection we will never know. And since it is inexhaustible, God is more than we can ever know completely. (But start with science).
One can believe in the teachings of Jesus and in the Bible as teachings that are a part of nature from which we can learn important rules subject to, and subjected to, scientific test. When test today is not possible, it is ok to say that until, perhaps, it becomes possible to answer questions empirically and through deduction. Before Descartes died he said quite explicitly that the only truth is deductive truth. Yet he believed in God by the above reasoning which can be proven by the absence of any counterexample. We know today why the human brain can never exhaust the questions it can ask. Descartes was right.
The brain (animal or human) fundamentally always thinks metaphorically. That is fundamental to brain computation and human natural language. The fundamental unit of truth is the unary predication (or proposition) as we have known for thousands of years now.
More on Descartes along with the reference to the writings where he directly explains his natural philosophy:
Later philosophers variously got Descartes wrong in various ways. Read the original.
Physicists have a bad tendency to believe that only Physics is science. They do make the best liars, but there is a lot of science that does not require physics to see the perfection of God.