There are also technical ways that people could use to evaporate themselves without government help. In that case, even the government couldn't find them because the identity is lost to incalculable entropy.

Even you cannot find it anymore. See my book on "How to Get Your Privacy Back". People need education to see how easy this would be. Don't let them number you, make them use your number (name). have to change your stupidity about implanted chips. An no, once evaporated, even the chip will not know the you that you alone evaporated.

All the detail is in the book. Including legal etc.

This also leads to an unexpected, chip-free, open evaporation, way to mitigate misinformation and disinformation in the media and other peoples records. A second book.

Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.