The Butterfly effect is actually fundamental in Quantum Physics. There is it called "breaking a symmetry" -- one thing (think one side of an "=" sign) becomes two because that one thing breaks its symmetry and becomes two (or more) different things. In colliders for example, a neutron can break into an electron, proton, (and a couple of other things, including energy photons). It decays when a symmetry is broken. (See Feynman Diagrams for lots and lots of examples). Observing such symmetry breaking is the basis for the Standard Model and the discovery of many of its particles with and without mass. Butterfly effect is down to Planck scales (10^-20+ meter)...which cause changes at Galactic scales (think 10^+20+ meter).
There are some physicists who believe this is the basis for time (i.e., entropy). I personally believe that Maxwell had it right ... motion is the basis for time -- see his book "Matter and Motion". He also (later in his Treatise) set the limit of the fastest motion to c as a constant which he computed from electric and magnetic observations. That "fastest motion possible" is why time exists everywhere the same in the universe. And, it gives the Butterfly effect the ability to fly.