Spin ahead.
Why not start with "times in a container" and go from there? That is, after all, what we really do everyday. This might go to extremes of types of container. A bathroom break to go from a lunch meeting back to home. A jog in the outside on the seaside container to get some study or writing time in. The lunch meeting being a meeting room container that happens to move with different people joining at different times, sometimes virtually. A netflix container with a nice private recliner. All sponsored. Not necessarily pay for.
Give the goddamn AI a real job for a change! My AI assistant works out my container schedules with pleasant conversations about my options, desires, and goals. Changes of plans automagically made prefect and perfectly performed with acceptable reasoning.
Object of study containers. Like Physics learning containers. Or golf improvement containers. Or goddamn Python Programming containers. A dinner container that gets you out to sleep on the beach or a bird aviary container.
Heck. Don't your realize China is already working all this out within OUR social credit invention from the 1920s? So, it's always tax and pay free.
As long as you don't lie and try to game people sociopathically.
Your assistant should force the worse of you into the proper containers where the people you harm are there, in the seat next to yours, with your respective assistants working it out.
A meet-your-government-representative container...to review his social credit with him. Same for your boss-container.
You become a transit container designer and get rich. The containers are always there for a conversation with how they, your containers, are doing their jobs too.
When somebody or something makes you mad, you can take it to court (i.e., a liecourt.com enabled container) for some interesting conversations with other people, real people, talking about something worth talking about with specific questions to discuss for our verdicts. And knowing how your complaint will be heard and acted on, courtesy the liecourt enabled containers.
I hate public transit and will probably hate taxis, but I love the accuracy of Google/Waze maps in accurately telling me how long I have left to drive and listen to a good Audible book. Also, and I don't think I'm alone on this, I like private recliner and nap time. And time with family and kids and dogs. Maximize that as part of your city/state/country/global planning transit plans with appropriately defined containers where I transit! I am not your container and you are not mine.