Sorry. This is a lie. It is not the whole truth. The fact is that this is not social media. It is media. "Fair and Balanced" Journalism without moral judgement is the deadly thing. "Social Media" just reflect the same lack of moral direction. Science and history say that there is exactly one best solution. And it is missing on the Internet, and largely impossible with broadcast media.
I would love to give advice on this. Read why "enforced moderated dialogue" is essential and what happens if you don't have all three done exactly the right way. The US Constitution sets this up nearly perfectly in its distribution of powers with different variants on "enforced moderated dialogue".
But the variants which would work are non-existant for media and social media on the Internet.
Both History and Science predicted the disaster in what you call "misinformation" that we see today. No surprise there.
Here are three things to read.
1. The problem.
2. The result.
3. The solution (proper education that involves everyone discovering truth for themselves -- experts are not going to help.) From 1940!
But somebody has to care enough to listen and challenge the science face to face.