Some serious errors:
Science is first the art of careful observation. Believing you are conscious of your visual experience and not others is plain wrong. You can hear, touch, feel heat, and a vast array of other things with equivalent qualities. Vision is not underrated and neither is natural language and physical action and so forth.
You observe or you do not observe you are conscious. As Descartes says, what is real is what people agree they can observe directly. End of discussion. Science is the art of careful observation. Science has long recognized vision as one of the senses. Even physics, because it does not question that a measurement is made if replicated.
AI has achieved sophisticated humanlike perception. Particularly with deep learning. We've achieved this for over 30 years at least.
It is easy to observe that non-humans, for example, dogs, see objects and actions. Even mice.
We have known forever that senses and actions are composed as hierarchies for everything you perceive and do. Otherwise the muscles would not coordinate and sight would not know left from right and so on. All our observations show this. Similarly, we have long agreed now that knowledge is not organized in the brain but not hierarchically (but hetarchically). When you sense something and your whole body coordinates a physical response, that is in fact your "consciousness". Hierarchies up to a point (in time not space) of decision and hierarchies down. Deep learning shows the same computations do all the computations.
The newer systems that understand "compositions" are doing this. We've known this stuff for 50 years.
Consciousness is NOT always with us. It is with us in moments of consciousness.
Science can explain it. You just are unwilling to study the right science. It is, like physics, stuff you cannot just armchair, but, if you look at natural language (not vision) you have the empirical directly observable evidence for how these general computations work.
Just one of the sentences you wrote is vastly more amazing than what you see in a picture. 99%+ of all VERBS in any LANGUAGE SPOKEN Naturally by humans imply perceived or acted causation. Often the cause is the agent. What do you think agency is if not conscious causation? 99%+ verbs as a language universal you can observe directly. Just like you admit to your agency in "observation." Language itself provides the Descartes replication of direct observation requirement.
Yes, we predict consciousness (coordinated perception and action) and have for a long long time. Without it you would not be able to shift attention and perform actions among the billions of nerve cells in your body.
It is not bizarre to believe that neural systems can be understood well enough to predict how they compute.
Visual consciousness is not a whole new ball game. Read the literature. If anything is the most profound thing, it is not vision. It is natural language. Imagine Physics you know without humans ever being able to communicate among their brains better than dogs can communicate.
You miss what is called "the labelled lines" principle. This says sure enough visual processing knows where the visual signals are coming from (e.g., left or right eye, an eye not a finger, and so forth ... in the hundreds of billions between your ears). There are more neurons between your ears than there are stars in our Galaxy.
Self-awareness is not new to humans. "seat of consciousness"!!?? What idiot are you listening to that thinks there is a "seat of consciousness?" The whole brain is your seat of consciousness. It is what I just said. Stop making up claims scientists do not make.
And on and on. You are no AI researcher. I've been one for over 50 years. You are a pretender. i at least admit I am not a physicist even though I like to think about stuff that physicists think about
We can see the plausible computational mechanisms that perfectly explain the fact you can perceive your eye's visual input as a visual field.
Sorry. But we can. Perhaps you want a simple solution to brain systems evolved over a billion years of development.