Sadly, this is a lie. The lie is in the usage of the word "game." "Game" implies, nay entails, voluntary action. We know from how the brain computes that assigning meaning is all it does. It cannot do otherwise, unless it is dead. Associating one perception, say a picture, with a word, any word, say "art," is the essence of meaning. Saying something is not art is just as interpretative as saying it is. Same mechanisms. The science of lies, Mendaciology, says there are always two ways to lie, by fact and, importantly, by motive (even if the lie is factual). This lie about art being a game is a factual lie, although I believe the motive is quite sincere.
By how the brain, indeed every metazoan brain, computes, everything is art including not calling it art. Lying is art as well. So the factual lie "game" invokes a bit of art appreciation that maybe, just maybe, it is a game. Sadly but surely, it is not.
I plan to take this lie to the Internet Court of Lies in a couple of weeks. It won't take five minutes to make my accusation and case to see what other people take of my case that "game" here is a lie. The trial will last than ten minutes to get the verdicts, but the discussion to follow may last another thirty. We'll dissect the lie at and all learn a lot about art with that art that art is, or is not, a game of meaning, or that art is a game of art, which is not a factual lie.