OK. Let me try this again! The problem is human natural language. I proved this in my book on The Internet Court of Lies in 2018 and my article on Medium below published two months after my book. The problem is that it's "Turtles all the way UP". Every sentence can, and will be, a lie to someone. Predication context can always flip truth. Sentences are always in the eye of the beholder who can never contextualize the neocortical content the same way. Period. But there is a way to FIX this problem, and ONLY ONE way. Descartes saw it clearly a generation before Newton's science, and fathered the Age of Reason as a result.
Here is the article:
To summarize the fix. Enforced Structured Human Dialogue to dig out the lies. Lies are not objective things, they are personal perceptions. This is fundamental to neural computation, human or not, but it is language, evolved as the most efficient means by which one brain can communicate with another that makes language so good (that humans have conquered all other Earth species) and so bad (that they can imagine dangers and conquer other humans as well unless stopped by appropriate enforced moderated dialogue.
Do not let social media people or any other web people tell you that "comments" are dialogue. THAT IS AN OBJECTIVE LIE (which I can defend if they won't). That is just more fiat lies up the other Turtles of Social Media Lies.
The SOLUTION are trials that anybody who thinks they see a lie can bring immediately to a court to decide exactly 8 possible charges. Enforced moderated, VERBAL, dialogue with other people. With a plaintiff making his proof. (As the commenter did on the google demo about first planet observation).
As we know it originated with Descartes that we now have rules of evidence in law, replication and peer review in science, and, by the way, separation of powers by five different venues of enforced moderated dialogue in the US Constitution. Today, though, we know from brain computation science of natural language that there is no other solution possible. Period.
Call me. Our business is licensing liecourt.com to different social media companies while also providing free universal use in a base use case.
Time is of the essence.
You techies cannot fix this problem (and I am a techie!), only individual people fixing the problem 100,000,000 times a day in 10 minute unique self-run sessions to relieve their burden of misunderstanding, or understanding. No EXPERT can help. The people will help themselves. All our brains work the same way. As Descartes said.
Right now. Frankly, you do not have a clue. Too many cooks. All great liars.