Nice article that correctly points out that reality exists through your brain. However you don't quite get how your brain works. Think millions of different discrimination/classification/recognition engines in your skull. Many of these are time differential engines either directly or intermodally. You are a slave to many of these. For example, your ability to binaurally locate implies incredibly precise time differential discrimination. In vision, motion. In causation, noting that one thing invariably precedes another. These are largely innate memories. Autolabelling further refinements. For example watching a clock for time. Even motor action recognizes incredibly precise time correctness. You are slave to time in thousands of ways, millions of times a second.
Here is how your brain computes. Hawkins' called this the "thousand brains" hypothesis, but we (in computational cognitive neuroscience) have known this scientific truth for scores of years already. Natural language is how to understand it fully. Time is a language universal threaded throughout over 99% of all verbs, in any language (by way of causation/agency). Temporal imagination is fundamental to neural computation.
That said, wet-neuroscience is just beginning to document all the different types of discriminations which these specialized assemblidges of neurons actually compute, and we see as unary predications (one word predicating another, one inflection to a word, a predicate phrase predicating a subject phrase, etc.) in hierarchical surface grammar as is proven by surface grammar's universal hierarchical existence in all human natural language.
This also explains how human language evolved so quickly. (Not that much had to change).
The science of lies, Mendaciology, is a major source of information about how neurons compute in all animals. Time discriminations are very common though not at all universal in all unary predications. It is just another discrimination. Think a billion brain discriminations on 'understanding' a simple sentence like "He threw the ball." Time discriminations are made all the time. But so are location discriminations, etc., etc.