Mendaciology defines a lie as anything anybody says is a lie.
"get away with an intent to deceive" is, I believe, the intent to deceive which you require for a "lie".
Mendaciology does not accept your definitions. Read my book. (I know what Plato at Stanford says).
If you think I make money off a book that sells on Kindle for 9.99, I'll trade it for your income. And yes, the taxonomy recognizes the presuppositions of the word concept for lie. These are not the definitions. Read your linguistics. Here is the science of AI/NLP
as defined by Mendaciology (it has something to say about dictionary definitions, and the Turing Test as well as how the human brain computes):
About a third of the people I interact with on my study of lies get upset that I use the term "lie" at all. The classic response is "I never lie." Well, I never lie either. Except everybody does lie to somebody at some time whether they meant to or not. And, when I write fiction I guarantee you I am intentionally trying to deceive you into a world that does not truthfully exist. The study of lies is not profitable. At all. I knew that going into it. It explains why there is no decent literature to speak of what lying tells us about brain computation.
I have repeatedly said to my friends for a half dozen years since I started this, "If a Ph.D. student would ever come to me and ask to do his dissertation on the cognitive psychology or AI of lying, I would say 'Find another topic, it will kill your reputation."
I started the study for myself precisely because I no longer need to worry about my reputation. Scientific truth comes first and there iare a lot of new things to learn in the study of what people call "lies" (the noun). Remember, Descartes, and many of the natural philosophers of his day, did not publish his Method until he retired despite having written it as a young man. Same problem. Except he (and others of the time) didn't want to have his tongue cut out and be drawn and quartered (read Durant. "The Age of Reason"). It worked, he died of a cold visiting the Queen of Sweden who actually was willing to listen to him.