Lie Suit Example
When I first read this article I thought it was anonymous writing. That would have generally fit the bill for willingness to fiat lie. A fiat lie is a suspected lie without the opportunity for dialogue on the suspected lie. Indeed, a candidate for a suit in the Internet Court of Lies, as a fiat lie, would be this:
Senate Republicans may both fear Trump and use him for their own ends, but they have very little love for him. Almost all of them would privately vote for an act-of-God scenario where Trump drops dead — not violently but peacefully, without suffering
I see no evidence for this and have never heard a single Republican in the last few years ever wish Trump drops dead, nicely or not, privately or not. If this is true, then a suit could be brought if only to determine if it is true and not a lie.
The Internet Court of Lies by definition preserves anonymity and this suspected liar has preferred to remain anonymous which is fine. It’s job is only to enforce moderated dialogue on fiat lies.
The threat of the enforcement is that the lie will be exposed ex parte and its various possible intentions and motives exposed.
But if there is no evidence it is true about “almost all Senate Republicans”, and I know of no evidence, then that would be good enough to reach a conclusion it is not true, and a lie, and this made permanently public at least until the evidence of it being true at the time it was asserted comes to light and brought to the enforced open dialogue that continues indefinitely in the Internet Court of Lies for any jailed lie.
If this comes out of the Court of Lies with the decision that it is not a lie. Then that too would be good. It would prove to the world that the Republicans do wish Trump be physically dead.
I personally wish no one dead. Although I do believe that even George Washington would vote to impeach and convict Trump and would not wish him dead either:
The reason for this Internet Court of Lies? Here you go: