I think you agree with me. The only thing you are missing is that EVERYTHING is based on lies. Capitalism is not special.
The science says that people are incapable of not lying. And it says by the science and history, recognized by Geo. Wash. and the founders, that only enforced moderated dialogue can mitigate the damage of the inevitable evil lies that inescapably drive all human interaction.
As one example of enforced moderated dialogue, we have laws and courts, but that is just one example of an uncountable number of acceptable ways. .The US Constitution is a circus of enforced moderated dialogues around different powers of government, and was explicitly designed as such.
Social media and the people inhabiting the Internet need to learn that when fiat lies are allowed to run free without enforced moderated dialogue, you have a complete loss (not gain) of liberty.
Here are two things to read proving first that lies, not some particular activity, threads through everything human and only enforced moderated dialogue can moderate the evil impacts that inevitably ensue, as Geo. Washington (and others) have written.
Simply allowing "comments" even with curation is complete idiocy if anybody believes that is the same as enforced moderated dialogue.
So capitalism - yes, religion - yes, government - yes, families - yes, digging ditches - yes, working at McDonalds - yes. Everywhere and anywhere where people can talk (or write or compose film etc) to people in any human natural language. And, yes, even dogs lie, but without human language it just doesn't work its evil (or its good) as well. The solution is always the same. No drug can fix something so fundamental to brain computation itself.
Read this and the few links off of it.
Mendaciology needs to be taught in high school and college. Here is the test that everyone needs to be able to pass: