I interpreted this announcement in my email to mean that ALL partner accounts have been suspended. Perhaps you should change your title to "Selected" ... You do not give any measurable meanings to what reads like your future disabling of partner accounts. This is easy to fix, and you must know it. Even though this is an article, it came in my email. You knew that, too. You are not helping with the credibility of Medium which has suffered because of your evident lack of interest in anything but eyeballs as opposed to scholarship, engineering, truth, and science. I have my personal account and my company has another one (and I am NOT the majority owner of my company and NOT the person who runs my company account). I also run a magazine but my posts through it are always my own (and by me) and others do post there. Your rules give no transparency on these issues. Finally, I agree with other comments that point out that your payment cuts done behind people's backs are not exactly transparent.