I have no idea what "intuitions from everyday experience" means. You seem to relegate human natural language as some kind of indecypherable mush, which it isn't. It is incredibly precise for what it was evolved to do: allow the computations of two brains to communicate in the most efficient way possible, as fast and exact as possible, to stay alive.
Throwing words like "noun" and "verb" around without knowing what they are is pretty stupid. Every noun can be a verb and every verb can be a noun in human natural language. Do you even know what is is?
That said, there is a science of natural language when you ask why you can observe what you observe in it. (Like the above axiomatic truth for nouns and verbs).
Here is how your brain computes. It is the opposite of sloppy and it out computes all your equations (that you can solve) everyday, every nanosecond, of the time that you measure. And yes, it is completely statistical but better than all your simple statistics.
You have an organ in your skull for human natural language.
It is what we can take measurements of in order to see how the rest of your nervous system and bag of cells work, even though you do not want to because it's "not physics". But it is. It is better physics, since it tells you why when and why math matters.
That said, Physicists do make the best liars. That is a complement, since their lies are not socially destructive, like any good fiction.
You should read up on how to get your lies back: