I hate to say this but I have been writing and warning about this problem since the LAWYERS invented it many years ago. What you fail to say, and this is really a problem for me, is that Microsoft, for example, can kill switch all Windows machines on earth that still allow updates. They can put a time bomb in your code without anyone knowing that requires a specific "don't die now" signal. Too.
This all started when you idiots allowed that software could not be sold. It had to be licensed.
I was alive and well when this started. I have fought it time and again.
It is worse than you think. The TPMs on computers that are supposed to stop this bricking do not. We tried to fix this problem with hard drives using guaranteed transparency as to who could take control of the MPUs/CPUs bootability. But were thwarted by the better liars.
In effect, the user should be able to see who the specific authorities are that can get such access and have the assurance of public key crypto that these are the true authorities and you have specifically given them the authority. There are, for example, up to 32 DIFFERENT ADMINS in the TCG Storage spec that can do this, and 32 users that cannot ever but have limited rights (e.g., to unlock a locked device). ANYBODY, any software, can read who these are. No admin can erase or modify the others. But if you do not like an admin you would then have the recourse that he remove himself. If PLEASE the lawyers could please listen. Which they DO NOT.
Thank you Trump. I pretty had the DoJ convinced this was a good idea, until Trump and Barr destroyed the DoJ. I have a video of them proposing publicly to do a variant. ... a variant... jez OMG.
Sorry for the world. It is not my fault. I've been trying for over 25 years on this. Not quietly, but nobody would pick up the message.
I did, at one time, get ONE Versign Public key into every computer BIOS but it should have been several and unfortunately, but typically, that key had zero power to stop the software owner or anybody else for that matter from bricking a computer using a BIOS attack. Later, that one thing I did get done got undone by somebody (redacted).
I wrote this all up in my book on "How to get your Privacy Back." Which nobody reads. They think it is "too technical." (which it isn't...they just imagine the lies about it are true.)