I chose experimental psychology over physics (back in 1969) because computation tells truth better than math. In math, or logic, you have the problem of the context, in computation the context can be perfectly included. And in brain computation you are seeing how the brain (any brain) interprets and shapes reality. The success you see today in ChatGPT and many other advanced perceptron (or "deep learning") computation models demonstrate computation explanation and prediction as humans can know truth and lies.
For the science in this, you need only know what you already know, and can prove to yourself, precisely because you are uniquely human and therefore can read this. The fully detailed science has hardly scratched the surface on brain computation, but sound science and punditry on all brain computation is pretty simple for anyone to verify for themselves by direct observation:
That said, here is the fundamental symmetry of brain computation that gives us both contextual (or equivalently predicational) truth and self-deceit entirely dependent on the fundamental perceptron (or equivalently predicational) computation..
And here is is the empirical basis for how to make a productive science of brain computation for both science and punditry: