Get Real on Blockchain
Marketing Hype
I am confident you do not know the truth about blockchain but it gives you nothing more unique than the chip credit cards in your pocket. Those chip cards are much, much, cheaper, made by the billions. Each one is perfectly unique.
The only thing unique about bitcoin is a really big random number which you do not even if know is actually random. It could contain a tracker and you and nobody else will know, except the people who put the non-random tracker in. You have been duped by marketing which is not the whole truth, and, if you are even slightly suspicious and rely on someone else for bitcoin, probably not even the truth. But most importantly, it is something other than the truth.
This is where the global uniqueness comes from. It is from something as stupid sounding, but mathematically impressive, as, what it is, a random number.
Bitcoin gets its uniqueness from public key cryptography. Which is everywhere already. It is a little bit expensive, a buck, for clothes but does not need to be. The hard cost is a few pennies at most.
If you want to understand the marketing hype of bitcoin, I wrote Chapter 24: Other Copyproofing Technology: Bitcoin and Blockchain, in my book on “How to Get Your Privacy Back.” which is on Kindle, Audible, and Paperback.
Basically the uniqueness is the random number, a “Random You”, the hash tree is unique if only one coin uses a random number or somebody just adds exactly one big enough random number (say 32 bytes),and all X.50v3 certificates (in your chip card by the way — billions and billions out there) are just hash chained the same way. What blockchain adds are “puzzles” that take a lot of compute time: what are these fancy mysterious puzzles? Just other random numbers that are big enough they can be guessed but take a lot of time to guess.
You might as well print a 32 character random number in invisible ink on the dress (which you then erase all other copies of). That will cost essentially nothing to give you global uniqueness for at least the rest of everyone’s life who is alive on the planet right now.
Just saying…
This article, like thousands of other about blockchain, could be submitted to the Internet Court of Lies for adjudication, and successfully prosecuted, unless we just all agree it is just harmless marketing hype. Otherwise…