Robert Thibadeau
2 min readOct 9, 2019


Evidently this has made facebook with this

Tom Howe Author Thibadeau: “let’s give every Encryption Service Manager [ESM] a license”!! Just like some people will GIVE an apostate a noose! OR others who will GIVE a seditious person some “education”. Yes, yes: we already stomp on electricians, bar keeps, pharmacists, and drivers if they dare to provide services without asking our rulers’ permission. What’s one more?! One bad deed deserves another, right?

Ah, but there is one salvation, an ESM can provide his service from anywhere in the world without regard to any silly “international border” nonsense. License that!

My response: I put this up to get dialogue started and I will take this as an effort to have a dialogue.

Careful reading of what I wrote is that the terms of the license and who or what is the licensing entity for the ESM (e.g., national, local, international gov’t, private entity, etc.) is not mentioned either.

The business of an ESM to be to help people get their encryption right so that they can protect themselves against any invasion of their privacy not ordered by a duly authorized Judge. With a Judge’s order, you do not have to unlock everything and give the cops all your passwords (which you do today), since the authorities have to deal with the specific encrypted content they have a warrant for. You do not have to give up your passwords, which you might have for other things like your bank accounts, your logins on the web, etc. There is an ESM whose main job is to protect your privacy but obey the law on specific warrants. Your ESM does not know your passwords.

However, the ESM at minimum, in my view, should have as part of their license, or perhaps the whole thing, a contract with the state to provide data on proper warrant.

I do not believe there is much need for invasive licenses that prove anything. However,

I think that other terms might include proof of education or training in IT Encryption Security along with provided materials, including checklists, to evaluate the quality the encryption the ESM’s customers are using. This way if you hire a specific ESM you know he at least has some decent training and education in how to help you protect your privacy.

Some people who have heard my ideas want to create very invasive licenses and do not care about ESMs whose basic job is quality work helping the consumer guard his legit perfect privacy. I would like dialogue with these people as well.

My privacy book on Amazon “How to get your privacy back” is all about this and my lies book on Amazon “Internet Court of Lies” is all about the essential need for civilized dialogue among people to reach understanding…as George Washington said in his last farewell.



Robert Thibadeau
Robert Thibadeau

Written by Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.

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