By "perfection" Descartes meant that empricial science always reveals some perfection in God (i.e., nature) which could be trusted, but that there was also more perfection that, because of how the human brain computes, the human brain will be able to discover. Never ending. ("I think therefore I am" in his classic words). We now know this is absolutely true by the computational cognitive neuroscience of how the human (or any animal) brain computes and why it is true. Anybody can understand and appreciate the truth of this.
Has nothing to do with your silly accusations. And is certainly as true today, after 500 years of experimental science, as it was in the days when he, yes, Rene Descartes, was inventing the concept...the subject of his natural philosophy. ... empirical science. Descartes is known as the Father of the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment, which apparently you never appreciated. It was through his "natural philosophy" that the rules of evidence in Law arose, as well as replication in the definition of modern science. His way of doing empirical math is the Cartesian Coordinate system (x,y), (x,y,z), (x,y,z,t) that you possibly learned about in school. It predated by 50 years, the calculus of Isaac Newton and the physics you were taught (or, evidently, not taught).
Dream up what you will. You are just lying. You have Descartes' book.
And thereby, yes, if you define God as I said, "God is Nature" then he proved the existence of God in his book. Quite explicitly, quite a number of ways, and with great certainty, in his book. It is the perfection no human brain will ever completely know in nature. The proof is that everytime we look at nature (empricially) we see more regularity and this will have no end because of how the brain computes. We will never ever know all the perfection (perfect regularity) in nature. His prediction has held perfectly true in 500 years and holds true, by the day, today. Here thereby proved the existence of God. You have to show one thing where no further question can be asked and answered by empirical observation. It has never been done (except in closed, non-natural, systems). Formal logic recognizes this. Proofs exist. (e.g., Godel's Theorem 400 years after Descartes asserted it based on the observations he correctly cites). And, thereby, all math we have, and by Descartes, all possible human thought and reasoning. God is the perfection in nature that we can never fully know but which we do know, partially, through empirical replicable science.